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Writer's pictureRafael Dos Santos

The Power of Live Events

The Power of Live Videos

Here at HIGH PROFILE CLUB, we LOVE live videos almost as much as we love raising your profiles and strengthening your personal brand! Whether it be during our interviews with keynote speakers, throughout or lively events, or even if it’s straight out of the office, at HPC, we are all about going live. We are well aware of the technological wave that is taking over every job we all did manually once upon a time. We have chosen to use this to our advantage and have began incorporating it into every aspect of our work. With that being said, it’s also important to note that we do not take face-to-face interactions for granted! We believe these kinds of human interactions allow for stronger connections between individuals while adding value to the matter at hand. It is important to note that miscommunication through digital messages is a key cause to inefficiency in the workplace. For instance, attempts to make messages more light-hearted, could potentially been deemed unprofessional. Thus, it is vital to find a balance.

“When we assume that other people know what we’re thinking, and what we are expecting of them, we do them a real disservice. Assuming that we’ve been clear about what we wanted, we blame them when things don’t go as planned.” – Heidi Grant Halvorson, Forbes.

We combine in-person experiences with the latest technology to produce powerful live videos.

Why Video?

– Reach a large audience in a short amount of time and at a reduced cost. – Sound & image together pitch a better message and allow for easier understanding for the audience – You will often find people remember video messages a lot better than a piece of text. – Your audience will spend more time learning about you and the products/services that you offer. Conveying specific emotions in a video is powerful. – Videos are much more engaging – people are more likely to spend 5 minutes watching a video than reading a long piece of text allowing for an increase in customer engagement. Email text that reads ‘video’ in the subject line increases click through rate by 200-300% alone (PrecisionMarketingGroup, 2018). – Cheap production equipment is as easy to get a hold of as milk! Innovation technology means that anyone and everyone can get involved with editing, purchasing a good camera etc. – Win the trust of your audience – first impressions are everything and if you are a business that brings in a lot of customers digitally, this factor is very important. Videos take more time and effort and it is important for customers to see this. – FACTS ‘79% of people who use the internet, frequently watch videos’ (WP Gurus, 2018). – Make your company more noticable. Videos are given priority over images, audio and text in regards to the position they are listed at on Google – we all know that most people don’t us web links past page two. – Reap the benefits for years – ads usually die out over time, the lifetime of viral videos is the complete opposite.

Why in person?

– Give your customers a better understanding of your body language – this shows them how you really feel about what you’re saying to them. – Create and develop more fruitful relationships – face-to-face interactions are more fun – whether it’s personal or business related. – Breadth of message is better received. Yes, text messages, emails and social media posts get read but without a face-to-face interaction it is impossible for customers to fully feel your (hopefully) positive and exciting message – we all have a little voice in our head that reads things in its own way for us! – Show that you care. Face-to-face interactions better portray you care and have a passion for what you do. You are making the effort to go the extra mile – especially with so many technological methods that you could otherwise use. – Put a face to the name. It’s all well and good that people know your name and can see your signature in an email, but it makes the relationship more personal and allows the connection to progress to the next level when they know who they’re talking too.

Why the power of live?

If you take every advantage listed above, and blend them together into one, you are left with the enchanting final result: live videos. Live videos give you the ability to force people to work on your time rather than theirs. This is due to the simple fact that when you stream; they watch. This allows you to further target your chosen market, because the people that are interested will watch. No other marketing method is able to do this. Live videos also give you the power to reduce your costs – you don’t have have to pay for travel to meet someone, or for that lager and lunch you would’ve initially forced yourself to eat just because they were! Live videos save you more time because one video allows you to talk about so many different things that would usually take time to write an engaging text post about. Blog posts can take anywhere between one to five hours in order to produce content that would take approximately 5 minutes to read. Do you know how long it would take to make a 5 minute live video? You’re right, 5 minutes!

There are endless reasons to do to live videos which is why we love incorporating them into our day-to-day work at HIGH PROFILE CLUB. If you can’t make it to one of our events, you can watch it live on any of our social media platforms throughout! If you are unsure whether you had the chance to meet our latest member; again, do not worry, we live stream whenever someone new joins because we cannot contain our excitement and we love sharing this moment with everyone. Finally, if you just want to know what we’re up to outside of work hours, believe me, WE WILL LIVE STREAM IT!

Similarly to that cheery old saying; “If you can dream it you can do it”, we have strayed towards the newly revised version; because if you can dream it, you can stream it.

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