Terms and Conditions for Membership of the GuidedPR
GuidedPR GuidedPR connects journalists with business owners and guides the owners on how to create compelling content to share with the media. To make sure you get the best out of the GuidedPR and to understand our responsibilities to you and your obligations to us, please read carefully the terms and conditions outlined in this contract.
1. Privileges of Joining GuidedPR:
A personal ‘media page’ on the GuidedPR website to feature your expertise. This media page is shared with journalists, editors and producers when they request expert comments or contribution to their articles in magazines and newspapers, tv or radio programmes;
Be invited to give interviews on radio and tv when requested by journalists and producers*;
Opportunity to speak on stage at our events (some will be free, some will be paid, so you’d have to pay to have a stand or contribute financially to the event);
Invitation for external events (not organised by GuidedPR) where tickets can be purchased with a discount;
Clients will be invited to network with other clients as well as special guests during our breakfast and evening events*;
Opportunity to network with our influential and successful speakers*;
Discounted prices for our breakfast meetings and media and PR training events*;
Be informed of awards competitions;
1.1 Plans costs and benefits: https://www.guidedpr.com/pricingplans
All prices shown are exclusive of VAT.
2. Spotlights are opportunities for you to raise your profile. Spotlights include:
– your comments used in magazines and newspaper articles with links to your website or contact details (we don’t guarantee a backlink in every article because it depends on the publication and the journalist. We will ask to add a backlink, but we don’t guarantee);
– an article is written by you and published by the journalist;
– an interview on radio, tv or podcast;
– your contribution to a book;
– you are invited to be a guest speaker in a seminar, workshop, conference, summit;
– you are interviewed or featured in a blog or vlog;
– if you receive an email with about awards nominations and you win the award, this also counts as a spotlight;
– if we send opportunities for accelerator programmes and you apply for them and you are accepted. This will count as spotlight because the opportunity is created by GuidedPR.
3. For TV, TEDx and keynote speaking, 3 spotlights per opportunity will be used, if secured:
TV interview (whatever length of interview);
TEDx Talk (whatever length of your talk);
keynote speaker in a conference with a crowd over 100 people;
Please note, you will use 1 (one) spotlight if you want us to write or help you to complete the form to send to TV or TEDx. The spotlight is deducted from the total number of spotlights you have regardless if you’re successful or not in being invited to be on TV or give a TEDx Talk. A further 3 (three) spotlights will be deducted if you’re selected to give a TEDx Talk, to be on TV or to be a keynote speaker in a conference of 100 people.
For Silver, Gold and Platinum members paying in full from 1st December 2018, there will be one day training a year on ‘TV Personality Training” given in person by CEO of GuidedPR, Rafael dos Santos. Dates and times to be agreed with Rafael directly. The training will also include ‘how to apply for TV programmes”, an hour-long explaining how on to write your profile to be selected for a TV programme.
4. Breakdown cost of your Plan:
40% is the admin cost and use of the platform. This amount is non-refundable and non-transferable at any time.
20% is related to your features. If you have not been featured during the period of your contract we will review your profile.
20% is related to the events we organise and deliver. Even if you decide not to attend our events this cost is payable as it’s part of your benefits.
20% is the opportunity for you to pitch at our events. Even if you decide not to attend our events this cost is payable as it’s part of your benefits.
Whatever length of the period the contract is, a pro-rata period is calculated using the above. IE.: if your contract has 6 months left, a refund is only calculated in relation to the 6 months remaining and not in the entire contract of 12 months. We will review requests for refunds on a profile by profile basis and including how often you access the platform and how many comments you have sent, the quality of your content and if the journalist has been in contact with you and how long it took you to reply to the journalist.
5. Missed Deadlines
If you agree to provide content to a journalist, or a spotlight has been secured and you don’t turn up (to the radio, podcast, phone interview) you will lose that spotlight, this means, we will deduct 1 spotlight from you total guaranteed a year.
If the spotlight is a TEDx Talk, TV interview or keynote speech in front of 100 people or more and you don’t turn up (for whatever reason) 3 spotlights are deducted from your total spotlights. If you miss the deadline three times, we will terminate your contract and no refunds will be made.
6. If you are not featured:
There are several factors before we consider your refund or extension of your membership. We will not extend or provide further features if:
if you don’t access the platform and you never send any emails to journalists/content creators;
you don’t reply to ANY of our emails with media opportunities;
if we have given you feedback in your bio and you have not changed your bio;
If our emails go to your spam box (it’s your responsibility to check your spam box for emails from @highprofileclub.com or @guidedpr.com);
If you ignore our emails, which means you receive them, read them but don’t engage;
If you provide poorly written content and it’s declined by the journalist;
If you lie about your skills or expertise and the journalist checks your profile and decides not to use your comments because of the veracity of your profile;
If you use the same comments over and over again and the journalists decline to use your comments;
7. Conditions to guaranteed features
For ALL our PR Clients we do REACTIVE PR. This means when a journalist sends us a request matching your profile, we will put you forward to the journalist. We do not write your press release and chase journalists to publish about you.
For former gold members prior to 1st December 2019, we do PROACTIVE PR (only for 10 features). We will write your press release and send it to our database of journalists. We will chase journalists on your behalf to guarantee your features. We no longer offer this service since 1st December 2019.
We will create opportunities for you to be in the spotlight during the year BUT if you don’t access the platform or engage with journalists of content creators, decline the majority of opportunities sent to you within 12 months, then we can’t secure your media opportunities.
If you accept to be put forward for an interview or speaking gig and subsequently you miss the deadline or don’t turn up to the speaking gig, this will count as one of your spotlights during the year.
8, Additional services not included in your membership, which is provided by GuidedPR and paid separately:
If GuidedPR finds you paid opportunities to speak or to be featured, we will charge a 20% commission on the amount paid. We will complete the negotiations on your behalf and only release the contact details of the journalist once you have agreed with the fee and the commission to be paid.
Raising money: we will charge 2% + VAT of the total money raised from the introduction from GuidedPR or any other representative from GuidedPR to you that leads to investment. This applies to any introduction made from 18th March 2018 up to date.
GuidedPR shall be entitled to recover an introduction fee (“Introduction Fee”) in the event that it, its representatives or its members (“Introducer”) facilitate a successful introduction (” Successful Introduction”).to an individual, company or other entity that invests in or helps to raise finance for a member’s business (“Beneficiary”). ​Such introductions have to be initiated by GuidedPR representatives. ​The Introduction Fee shall amount to 2% + VAT of the total money invested in/raised for the Beneficiary as a result of a Successful Introduction. The Introduction Fee shall be payable to GuidedPR by the Beneficiary without exception in the event of a Successful Introduction. Both the Introducer and the Beneficiary shall notify GuidedPR of any Successful Introduction. Any Introducer or Beneficiary that fails to notify GuidedPR of a Successful Introduction shall be liable to have their contract terminated with immediate effect. If an Introduction Fee is not paid to GuidedPRB following a Successful Introduction then GuidedPR shall have the right to recover the Introduction Fee from the Beneficiary together with all the costs incurred in recovering the Introduction Fee.
If you’re not a paid member of High Profile Club and engage with our fundraising services, as soon as you send us your pitch deck, it is an agreement with the Terms and Conditions stated in paragraph number 8 which means once you raise the funds you will be invoiced 2%+VAT of the total amount raised.
9. Plans details:
Clients agree with all plans requirements in the present contract and will notify the company (GuidedPR Limited) if any requirements are not met during the time of the agreement term.
9.1 Application
9.1 These Terms and Conditions shall apply to the provision of the services detailed overleaf (“Services”) by High Profile Club, a company registered in England and Wales under number 10911059 whose registered office is at 141 Moorgate, London, EC2M 6TX (“Supplier”) to you (“Client”) and to the payment of this invoice. No other terms and conditions shall apply to the provision of Services or to this invoice unless agreed upon in writing between the Supplier and the Client.
9.2 The essence of these Terms and Conditions remains the same as those included with the Supplier’s quotation. The tense has been altered to reflect the inclusion of these Terms and Conditions in an invoice.
9.2 Interpretation
9.2.1 A “business day” means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday.
9.2.2 The headings in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.
9.2.3 Words imparting the singular number shall include the plural and vice-versa.
9.3 Fees
9.3.1 The fees (“Fees”) for the Services are set out in the quotation and confirmed in this Contract:
9.3.2 See www.guidedpr.com and click on PLANS for the current membership price.
9.3.3 Your Plan is valid for 12 months minus one day from the day you pay the invoice.
9.3.4 The Plan will automatically renew every 12 months.
9.3.5 In addition to the Fees, the Supplier is entitled to recover from the Client reasonable incidental expenses for materials used and for third party goods and / or services supplied in connection with the Services. Any such expenses are included in this invoice.
9.3.6 The Client has agreed to pay the Supplier for any additional services provided by the Supplier that are not specified in the quotation in accordance with the Supplier’s current services, applicable when a proposal is provided in effect at the time of performance or such other rate as may be agreed between the Supplier and the Client. Any such additional services so rendered are detailed and charged for in this invoice.
9.3.7 Prices on the website are EXCLUDING VAT and are described on our home page www.highprofileclub.com. VAT is paid by the member separately by the membership fee.
9.3.8 By paying the first Plan fee, the Client accepts these Terms and Conditions and abides by the rules of GuidedPR.
9.3.9 Payment must be paid via our online payment system on our home page https://www.guidedpr.com/pricingplans
9.3.10 The Client accepts that an increase in fees may be present at the end of each contractual year.
9.3.11 If the Client does not pay its fee within 15 (fifteen) days of its due date the details of the Client will be sent to Debt Collectors.
9.3.12 If your payment remains unpaid for over 30 days, we will send your details to Experian as a Default Payment and the default payment will appear on credit searches. Default payments might damage your personal credit rating and it might be difficult for you to raise credit in the future. We strongly advise you to
9.3.13 If your contract is sent to Debt Collectors for collection, 20% will be added on top of the total amount left of the Client’s plan and the Client will no longer be able to pay in instalments. For example: If you have paid two months as a silver member but stop paying, the outstanding amount will be £1200. After 15 days of non-payment, your information will be sent to Debt Collectors, and there will be a charge of 20% + VAT, which means you will have an additional £360 to pay, meaning your total debt is £1560. This must be paid in one amount, there is no option to pay this in instalments.
9.3.14 – Old Members are allowed to ask for their memberships to be ‘frozen’ during a period of 12 months but only after they have made 6 payments and we don’t accept memberships to be ‘frozen’ between the months of November and January. You can freeze your account once for up to 3 (three) months, during the 12 month period of your membership.
9.4 Quotation and Contract
9.4.1 The quotation constitutes written acceptance and confirmation by the Supplier of the Client’s order for the Services (as agreed between the Supplier and the Client).
9.4.2 The quotation is a contractual offer to provide the Services which the Client has accepted. The Supplier and the Client have entered into a contract for the provision of the Services.
9.4.3 Client Details to be provided at the time of the purchase of the membership.
9.5 Data protection
9.5.1 Client details will be used in accordance with regulations specified under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
9.5.2 We will deal with all information we hold about you in line with our privacy policy which you can find available at www.highprofileclub.com.
9.5.3 If you want to know what information we hold about you, or you want us to correct any information we hold about you, the appropriate procedures are set out in our privacy policy.
9.5.4 All data is held and processed by Esputinik (esputinik.com) 25 Boulevard Garubaldi, 75015 Paris, +3 366 081 7116 info at esputnik.com. Please replace at with @ when sending an email.
9.6 Payment
9.6.1 The Client shall pay the Fees immediately or otherwise in accordance with any credit terms agreed between the Supplier and the Client. If payment is made upfront the number of features is higher than the number of features when membership is paid in instalments. The number of features is agreed between the Client and the sales representative
9.6.2 Time for payment is of the essence in the contract between the Supplier and the Client.
9.6.3 If the Client fails to make payment within the period in sub-Clause 6.1, the Supplier shall have the right to suspend the provision of the Services (where the provision of the Services is ongoing) until payment is received in full – membership to the Club is suspended if the monthly payment is not made.
9.6 .4 Receipts for payment will be issued by the Supplier only at the Client’s request.
9.6 .5 All payments must be made in British Pounds unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Supplier and the Client.
9.6.6 Even though you are paying in instalments this is a yearly membership, therefore, you must pay all 12 instalments. This contract is legally binding under the English law and we shall use the small claims court to recover any missed payments.
9.7 Cancelling your Plan
9.7.1 The Plan is for 12 months. The Client will not be able to suspend or terminate their membership before the 12 months period has come to completion.
9.7.2 In the case of instalment payment, the Client will be bound by the 12 months plan from the payment of their first instalment.
9.7.3 The Supplier retains the right to update or change contractual terms by giving 30 days notice. If you do not agree with the contractual changes, you have 14 days to cancel your contract. Please contact operations@guidedpr.com.
9.8 Liability and Indemnity
9.8.1 The Supplier will not by reason of any representation, implied warranty, condition or another term, or any duty at common law or under these Terms and Conditions, be liable for any loss of profit or any indirect, special or consequential loss, damage, costs, expenses or other claims (whether caused by the Supplier’s employees, agents or otherwise) in connection with its provision of the Services or the performance of any of its other obligations under these Terms and Conditions or this quotation or with the use by the Client of the Services supplied. The Supplier is also NOT liable for any publication, feature or exposure by a journalist/producer/editor that publishes something about the business that damages the reputation of the business. The Supplier is an introducer and does not interfere or influence what is published or written about the client in any type of media.
9.8.2 The Supplier shall not be liable to the Client or be deemed to be in breach of these Terms and Conditions by reason of any delay in performing, or any failure to perform, any of the Supplier’s obligations if such delay or failure is due to any cause beyond the Supplier’s reasonable control.
9.8 .3 The Client shall indemnify the Supplier against all damages, costs, claims and expenses suffered by the Supplier arising from any loss or damage to any equipment (including that belonging to third parties) caused by the Client or its agents or employees.
9.8.4 The Supplier will not by reason of any representation, implied warranty, condition or another term, or any duty at common law or under these Terms and Conditions, accept liability for damage or stolen property belonging to any member happening on the premises or within the grounds of events organised by the Supplier other than the liability which arises from the Supplier’s own negligence or failure to take reasonable care.
9.8.5 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall limit or exclude the Supplier’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for any other matters for which it would be unlawful to exclude or limit liability.
9.8.6 Nothing in these terms and conditions is meant to limit any rights you might have as a consumer.
9.9 Force Majeure
10.1 Neither party shall be liable for any failure or delay in performing their obligations where such failure or delay results from any cause that is beyond the reasonable control of that party. Such causes include, but are not limited to power failure, Internet Service Provider failure, industrial action, civil unrest, fire, flood, storms, earthquakes, acts of terrorism, acts of war, governmental action or any other event that is beyond the control of the party in question.
10. Communications
10 .1 All notices under these Terms and Conditions shall be in writing and signed by, or on behalf of, the party giving notice (or a duly authorised officer of that party).
10 .2 Notices shall be deemed to have been duly given:
1. when delivered, if delivered by courier or other messengers (including registered mail) during the normal business hours of the recipient;
2. when sent, if transmitted by fax or email and a successful transmission report or return receipt is generated;
3. on the fifth business day following mailing, if mailed by national ordinary mail; or
4. on the tenth business day following mailing, if mailed by airmail.
10 .3 All notices under these Terms and Conditions shall be addressed to the most recent address, email address or fax number notified to the other party.
11. No Waiver
11.1 No waiver by the Supplier of any breach of these Terms and Conditions by the Client shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.
11.2 No failure or delay on the part of either the Supplier or the Client to exercise any right, power or privilege under these Terms and Conditions shall operate as a waiver of, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any such right, power or privilege preclude, any other or further exercise of any other right, power or privilege.
12. Severance
12.1 In the event that one or more of these Terms and Conditions is found to be unlawful, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that / those provisions shall be deemed severed from the remainder of these Terms and Conditions (which shall remain valid and enforceable).
13. Complaints Procedure
13.1 Any arising complaints by the client will be dealt with by the Supplier via email: askpete@guidedpr.com.
14. Law and Jurisdiction
14.1 These Terms and Conditions (including any non-contractual matters and obligations arising therefrom or associated therewith) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales.
14.2 Any dispute, controversy, proceedings or claim between the Supplier and the Client relating to these Terms and Conditions (including any non-contractual matters and obligations arising therefrom or associated therewith) shall fall within the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
15. Rewards for Introductions
15.1 For current clients, when you refer a friend and they purchase a plan, you get the following rewards added to your membership:
– 1 extra feature for a new Business Member
– 2 extra features for a Premium Member
– 3 extra features for a Team Member
There are two ways to refer to a friend. If your friend buys on our website then they must put your name as a referral when paying. If they need to speak with our sales team first, please make a warm introduction via email to marketing@guidedpr.com.
15.2 – For non-client of GuidedPR we don’t have a remunerations scheme;
15.3 – For Directors of GuidedPR.com are on a disclosed basis once the director has been selected. For you to become a local Director of GuidedPR in your city, you must be a client. A Memorandum of Understanding is signed between a Director of a local club and GuidedPR head office. We only share the MoU with potential directors. If you are interested in becoming a local director, please contact Rafael via email rafael at guidedpr.com.com. (please replace at with @ when sending an email).