What if I told you, owls:
"Owls, you need to become peacocks!"
If I had to say that to a few owls I know,
this is the reaction I would get from them:

Don't be shocked owls. There is nothing to be scared of. Let me explain why I am suggesting you become peacocks.

Prior to this crazy pandemic, I used to run at least two events a month with 20-100 people each and when I asked the audience this question:
"what do peacocks represent?", the most common answers were: confidence, pride, integrity, beauty, strength, the centre of attention, etc. You get the idea, right?
Let's say that your "professional profile" is like a peacock tail.
To add credibility to your profile, or, to build your tail, you need to have "feathers" such as awards, degrees, masters, certificates, diplomas, years of experience in your industry, a number of clients, turn over, the funding you raised, celebrities who use our clothes, well-known brands you have worked for or have as clients and so on. The more feathers you have, the more credible you are, get it?
Now that you understand the peacock metaphor, we need to bring the peacock that is hiding inside you to show off those feathers to the world, one feather at a time. If you have credibility but nobody knows about it, it's like a peacock with a big feathery tail that is never on display - it doesn't get the same attention, does it?

One of the feathers of your credibility tail is 'expertise'. This has to be one of the longest feathers! It sets you apart from your competitors. What you need to do is to start making your expertise more visible online or showing off those feathers in the right places.
You have the expertise and experience to help a group of people (your target audience) to solve a problem but if you don't make your expertise visible, your future customers won't find you when they search on Google.
To become more visible you can start creating content that showcases your expertise such as articles, podcasts, videos, interviews and much more.
And it's here that I introduce you to the "Social Selling Campaign", a PR and social media strategy that focuses on placing your expertise in front of your target audience to influence them to buy from you.
The goal of the campaign is the generate leads that you can convert into clients. and to deliver a successful campaign, we focus on four activities:
1️⃣ Public Relations (PR): feature in a magazine
We introduce you to a journalist who will interview you and publish your story in a magazine.
2️⃣ Target Market: future customers
Using LinkedIn advanced searches we help you find and connect with thousands of prospective customers.
3️⃣ Linkedin Profile Optimization: social media marketing
We improve your LinkedIn profile so it "talks" to your audience, and we use your magazine interview to invite thousands of people to connect with you.
4️⃣ Automation
We automate your LinkedIn profile to send 150 invitations to connect on a daily basis, so you can engage with them and book sales calls. There's an extra charge of $99 (dollars) for the Linkedin automation robot.
Are you ready to become a peacock?
It's time for you to become more visible, more credible and more influential.


To generate leads for your business
by making you more visible
more credible
and more influential.
Campaign Goal
Campaign Activities

Magazine Interview or Cover Story
The first step is to get you featured in a magazine.
For this, you will be interviewed by a journalist and your story will be published online.
We offer two options: either your interview is published as an article in one of the sections of the magazine, or you can be the cover story of the magazine. A cover story gives you much more kudos and instant credibility as an expert, a high achiever and someone to look up to. It also gives you celebrity status.
How many people do you know who have been on the cover of a magazine?
Not many, right? That's because it is an exclusive place for celebrities and exceptional individuals who have achieved a lot in their career to be featured.
If you like the idea of being in an exclusive "club" that only a few people have access to and which sets you apart from your competition, then you need to be on the cover of a magazine - and learn how to influence your prospective clients to buy from you!
Target Audience
We target the right profiles of professionals on Linkedin who fit into your target audience. We help you write three messages to invite, connect and engage with up to 2000 people, every month for 12 months.
We set up an automated calendar booking system, which frees your time up to allow you to engage with your prospective clients to make sales calls.
The more connections you have, the more opportunity there is to make sales.
We also run a Facebook* campaign which shares your story with the right people, therefore creating more business opportunities for you and your business.
We guarantee 5000 or 10000 views on your cover story through a Facebook campaign.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash
Linkedin Profile

We optimize your Linkedin profile to become a "landing page" for you to "talk" to your audience. We use keywords and sales marketing techniques to attract and engage visitors, this helps to convert them into contacts and ultimately helps you turn them into clients.
You also receive a step-by-step guide on how to rewrite your profile to update it whenever you wish. The guide has videos showing you every step of how to make your Linkedin profile even more credible.

Let the fun begin!
We set up a robot on your Linkedin profile which will automatically send out 150 messages a day, 5 days a week - unless you work 7 days a week!
The automation will send a customised message to each person, addressing them by their first name. Once they accept your invitation to connect, the robot sends them a second message, which is the link to your article or magazine cover. After 24 hours, the robot will endorse your new contact. This is your "gift" to your contacts. You will see that 90% will send you a message to thank you for endorsing them - who doesn't like a compliment, right? And this is your opportunity to invite them to have a video call with you - and that's when you start your sales pitch!
Shall we talk about your campaign?
Your Benefits
Become more visible by sharing your story and use your magazine cover or article to contact your target audience. The more visible you are, the more credible and trustworthy you become in their eyes.
Establish your credibility with the readers, followers and contacts. Become the authority in your field by being featured on a magazine cover. Raise your profile above all your competitors and become the "go-to" expert in your industry.
The more readers and followers see you online, the more they trust you. Build trust with people even when you're not in the room by sharing your expertise and getting published by several media channels.
Visibility and credibility attract opportunities to you personally and to your business. You will get more invitations to do public speaking, participate in expert panels, contribute to books and even give more interviews on other media channels.
Have you ever Googled someone after you had a meeting with them? If you're human, you sure did! If I asked you now: if I Googled you, what would I find? The search results should be several articles and a magazine cover with your story and expertise. This is what Public Relations is all about; it's about influencing people's opinions and decisions, and in this case, we want to influence their decision to buy your products or services.
The cover story gives you incredible visibility, credibility and high power brand recognition. Your brand will be associated with The Queen, Harry and Meghan, Richard Branson, Oprah and Michele Obama (who will be cover stories in Dec and Jan 21). Be more visible, more credible and more influential. Be a cover story of High Profile Magazine.

Shall we talk about your campaign?
Campaign Results
Testimonial from Jelena Radonjic, a Forbes Contributor, Award-Winning Career & Leadership Development Coach and Author.

I was a little sceptical at the beginning. I had tried so many "strategies" and was not getting to the right people in the charity sector. Rafael and the GuidedPR team did a brilliant job and in 5 days I had my first phone call booked.
Thanks, guys. Great job!
Gilson - FWB
Testimonial from Tineke from The Netherlands. Using our Strategy she made a sale of £5.5k in 4 weeks and £1.5k in the following two weeks.
We helped Dr Dave on his Linkedin campaign. Results after 2 weeks?
1000 invitations sent, 608 connections
28 calls and 5 sales.
Not bad, huh?
Dr Dave got 2 contracts signed in 4 weeks after we ran a campaign on Linkedin He stopped running the campaign after that.


We're very proud of our 200 clients. The clients below stand out because they all had over 10 features, they provided good content to the journalists and now when you Google them, they take over the 1st page of Google! Go on, try! Search for their names and you will see the results. They all take the first page of Google with photos, articles, magazine covers and videos. Our clients are more visible, more credible and more influential. We want to congratulate our Naeem and Tejas, who became Forbes contributors too and raised their profile even more.









Shall we talk about your campaign?

an article in a newspaper changed my life
Hi, I'm Rafael from Brazil. I'm a Marketing and PR expert and I will share how one article changed my life. In 2016, I was invited by a journalist from the Guardian to write an article about "being a migrant entrepreneur". 2016 was the sad year when Syrians were fleeing their country and migration became a hot topic in the media as it was a very divisive debate. To bring a positive spin to a negative story, I shared my life story, including the ups and downs but focusing on contributions that migrant entrepreneurs provide to the hosting countries. The article was titled "What It Takes
To Be A Migrant Entrepreneur" and it was a success. It got shared a few
hundred times. I used the article to share my expertise and life story.
You can read the article here. I was not prepared for what was coming.
A team member from TED Talks read my article and found my personal
website (if you don't have a website with your name, you should get
one - it helps ifyou want to be found on Google!). They invited me to
turn my article into a TED Talk. My TEDx Talk today has been
watched over 157k times and since then I have been on the cover of
three magazines.

Since then...
I have been invited to speak at hundreds of events, including the World Entrepreneurship Forum in China where I gave a talk to 1000 Chinese business people in 2016. I chaired the First Congress for Brazilian Entrepreneurs living abroad, where I was invited by the Brazilian President to attend. The article in The Guardian led to the TEDx Talk, which led to several hundreds of opportunities, including being on the cover of two magazines and being featured in over 150 media channels around the world, including the BBC, FT, Daily Mail, Channel 5 and more.

To date, I have been on the cover of three magazines, so I know the opportunities that a cover story can attract. As well as the visibility and credibility, it attracts financial rewards (paid to speak in events, easier to get more clients, offers of partnerships, etc). You just need to make sure you strategically use your media appearances to get more clients and expand your network.
Below are the cover stories about my personal journey as a successful entrepreneur.

Credibility and influence are the business owner's superpowers.
Think of all the famous business people you know: Richard Branson, Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones, Theo Paphitis, Lord Sugar and the list goes on.
Why do you know them?
Because they are in the media all the time, you see them on tv, listen to their interviews on the radio, see them on the internet, read their articles and the list goes on. They are visible.
They have opportunities knocking on their doors daily.
The more visible you are, the more people think of you as a successful business person, and people want to do business with successful people. Don't you?
I certainly do, and that's why I decided to share with you some of the incredible opportunities that happened to me since I decided to invest my time and money in PR.
Some of the incredible opportunities I have said YES to:

TV Interview in China
TV Interview in London
Public Speaking in China (1000 people)
Share Radio Interview

Croydon Radio Interview
Public Speaking in London (300 people)
Public Speaking at Google HQ
Meeting with Simon Cowell

I interviewed
Richard Tan
I interviewed
Robin Sharma
I was interviewed by Vaness Feltz - BBC
I shared the stage
with Dragons Den
Rachel Elnaugh
I took part in the Wright Stuff Show
Channel 5 UK

Winning the Award The Sunday Times List
"Top 100 Most Inspiring Entrepreneurs
In The UK"
I won an award for my TEDx Talk
"What It Takes To Be
A Migrant Entrepreneur"
I interviewed
Mary Buffett

BBC Radio Interview
Business Breakfast with Mike Pence
Vice President of the USA
Private pitch with Dragons Den
Theo Pathitis
I was invited three times for BBC Radio interviews
You get the idea, right?
I never sat around and waited for the opportunity to come. I make sure I go out there, and I look for the opportunity myself. If I am featured in a magazine, I share with my database, and I include a "call to action" such as an invite to a webinar, a video call, etc.
When you get featured in the media, it's only half of the work done. Once the article is out, you have to "milk it" (urban dictionary: take full advantage of a situation). Yeah, you do. And how you take advantage of the media exposure is what I do with you in this campaign, for you.
Now, are you ready to get yourself more visible, more credible and more influential?
If you are, choose one of the plans below, choose a way to pay (upfront or instalments) and let's get those contacts coming and turning them into clients!
Next Edition