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Writer's pictureEvie Courtier

How to Improve my Online Visibility

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

Getting online visibility is not so difficult in itself. Be on top of your social media game, share news, tips, and join online communities with your peers and competitors and your business will be off to a good start. The real challenge is to gain an organic integral online visibility for your brand. It is necessary to target and attract the right audience, which will lead to boosted conversion rates and website traffic. For businesses to stand a chance in today’s ever-growing digital landscape, you need to go beyond a basic online presence. There are a variety of digital marketing techniques, which will slot in nicely with your online strategy, so let’s get to it! ➡➡➡

Understand the basis of SEO

'Search engine optimisation' is a methodology of techniques and strategies used to increase the number of visitors to your website by landing yourself a place in the top search results on Google. The SEO world can seem daunting, so why not take a read of this guide explaining the basics of on-page optimisation to get you started. 🆒

Be an industry expert and let everyone know it

Make your website and content tip-top ✨

If it’s lacking in design, informative content, and useful information, then your customer can easily click elsewhere. Browsing a website is the same as walking around a shop, if you don’t take a fancy to the clothes and layout then you’ll simply walkout. If you wish to know more about how to improve the graphics of your website, have a read of my graphic design tips.

Producing useful and informative content on a consistent basis will not only attract new users, yet also guarantee recurring visitors. According to Forbes, companies that publish ‘16+ blog posts per month get almost 3.5x the traffic than companies who don’t’. Four a week may seem overwhelming, especially if you’re not a confident writer, but do not fret, your audience does not expect you to be the next T.S. Elliot. Hone in on your expertise and keep your posts brief, yet impactful. Have a read of this advice on Forbes on how to build a successful business blog.

Guest Blogging

Why not consider guest blogging? For starters, it will reach a targeted audience, who will take a keen interest in your business. It will also improve your SEO as you can link your website/social media handles in your author bio. Have a read of these guest blogging tips for some useful advice.

Get onboard with creative content marketing

Content marketing is a gem for online visibility. As I mentioned in our discussion of the importance of content marketing, it is essential for your business, as it distributes valuable and relevant information for a defined audience, whilst driving profitable customer action.

It is safe to say that paid for ads are becoming a thing of the past. 200 million people now use ad blockers, so online ads are no longer the go-to marketing tactic. By producing interesting content, you’ll improve your SEO, as well as your brand reputation. Why not try partnering with an influencer to promote your content, or if you are more of a speaker, have a go at podcasting! 🗣

Have a read of our article discussing content marketing tips for business owners here.

Get behind the camera

It’s time to try video marketing. Coming up in second place behind Google, YouTube is the second most popular website in the world. We consume more than 500 million hours of video each day on YouTube alone (crazy right!). You are 53 times more likely to show up on Google if you have a video embedded on your website, so what are you waiting for! Videos are also super easy to consume, digest and share. They’re a marketeers dream. 📽


As our businesses and society progress, it is essential to stay in contact not only with your

employees but also your customer base. This does not mean simply sending out the odd survey monkey over email, yet engaging with your customers' conversations online. When it comes to your online followers, it is essential to remember that it's 'quality over quantity' of followers, which will gain you visibility. You want your followers to have an influence of their own so that they can share your business with an expanded target and relevant audience.

Find out which social media channel is best for you:

🔸 TikTok was the quickest social media platform to reach a billion users, and you could

🔸 Twitter is good for engagement. You can interact with your customers and respond to their enquires. You can also Re-Tweet and quote tweet, adding interest and context to the original post. To build up a positive reputation on Twitter, always Re-Tweet with a comment, answer, and add ‘@‘ mentions to your tweet. Hashtags are also really useful, check to see what's trending and get involved!

🔸 Instagram is not all about the pretty pictures, you can use it to promote your business, share the day to day workings of your company, and introduce new products/services. You can also partner with influences who will advocate your brand. The stories feature is also brilliant and can be used for live shows to add a more personal element to your business. ✅

🔸 LinkedIn has 675 million users per month, which is double of Twitter. LinkedIn is great to connect with industry professionals, as well as engage in groups of entrepreneurs and learning groups.

Some final 'quick fire' tips: 🔥

🎇 When posting on social media, play around with your timings. Keep track of when your posts gain the most traction and pinpoint that time/day for future notice. ⏱

🎇 Get yourself trending. This is the key to social media success, have a read of these Forbes tips. Also, never be afraid to reach out, ask your peers, fellow business owners, friends and family. If you don't ask, you don't get...and all that. 🧐

🎇 Develop a personal brand and stick with it. Consistency is key! 🗝

🎇 Share, share, share! Not only your own content but content of others too. 👀

🎇 Pin your posts. If you've shared a particular article or launched a new service/product then pin your post to the top of your website/social media channels. 📍

🎇 Make your content unique. The more generic the content, the more it will get lost in the fog of Google's algorithms. Include keywords in your posts, and keep it clear and concise. 👍

Enjoy this read? Why not head over to the GuidedPR blog for more 🌟

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About the Author:

Evie is a published writer, living and working in London. She’s a PR Assistant and Copywriter at GuidedPR. She holds a BA Hons in History from Royal Holloway and has accordingly worked within the culture sector and legal industry. You’ll usually find her scribbling down words in a coffee shop with a flat white in hand.

Find Evie on LinkedIn.

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