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Writer's pictureRafael Dos Santos

Breakfast for Directors – 10th July


Breakfast for Directors

This week we had our monthly Breakfast for Directors – Full house by 10am!

by Rebecca Lee on July 11th

Yesterday we had our monthly Breakfast for Directors at the Institute of Directors. This month was definitely a special one as we we had a full house of guests by 10am!  I can confirm that we had networking activities, members speeches, three fantastic keynote presentations and an hour to network!

“Describe yourself in three words”

One of the main focuses at our events is getting people to talk. We know that it is more common than not for people to be shy when talking about themselves, what they do and approaching new people. Here at HIGH PROFILE CLUB we constantly make an effort to ensure guests feel comfortable so when it comes to pushing themselves outside their comfort zone, it no longer feels like they’re jumping off a 5000ft bridge!

We kicked off the breakfast by getting each guest to ‘describe themselves in three words’. This included: name, country of origin and their industry. We find these activities highly effective as it breaks the ice for people when it comes time to walk around the room and network at the end of the event. This month we had guests in media, security, writing and psychology from all over the world, including Texas, Brazil, Portugal, U.K, Cuba and more!

Put a face to the name – Director of High Profile Club Leeds

It is about time we released our exciting news to the world! It’s been a long time coming but we are finally expanding HIGH PROFILE CLUB and launching in Leeds.  We are so grateful that we crossed paths with Linda Sage, leading her to become a member at HIGH PROFILE CLUB, and now our newest partner.

We revealed the news at the breakfast before Linda did a speech about her career; helping those with compassion fatigue. Personally, I found the speech very interesting as I had never heard of the condition before. HIGH PROFILE CLUB has such a diverse community of members and its intriguing to hear their different stories and learn new things at each event! Linda’s speech was very moving and her ending statement had a lasting presence ‘ Looking after yourself is not a luxury, it is a necessity’.

Keynote speakers – Emma Hartley & Harry Sardinas

At this month’s breakfast we had two lovely guests join us to share their knowledge and experiences. Emma Hartley is now a sub editor for the Guardian, though she has years of experience working for different newspapers in various different roles. Emma is now creating her own app called 24HourLondon. Emma shared her extensive experience in the best ways to get yourself or your business featured in the newspaper. She shared her own experiences of getting herself featured in the media and advised the best ways for people to go about the process with the resources they have. As most of the guests at HIGH PROFILE CLUB events are entrepreneurs, Emma’s advise went down a treat.

Harry Sardinas is the owner of Speakers are Leaders. Harry coaches people about how to speak more effectively and his international programme is listed among the world’s best courses – alongside Tony Robbins, JT Foxx and Robert Kyosaki. Harry brought some of his students and we heard their story in relation to how much Harry’s programme has taught them.

If you would like to learn more about the club benefits, click here to book a call 

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