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Writer's pictureLola Sherwin

3 Content Marketing Videos Every Brand Should Create

Updated: Sep 18, 2020

One of the most important aspects of successful content marketing is creating content which your audience will actually engage with. One of the most-used modes of content marketing these days is the video. Videos have become a key way of engaging your client base, and are an excellent means of promotion for your brand.📹📹

The difficult thing can be understanding what type of content marketing videos your brand should be creating in order to successfully engage your audience. If this is something you’re struggling with, keep reading to find out more!

Read our best content marketing tips ever here.

Smart Insights reported that emails which content video content have a 96% higher-click through rate than emails without video content. They also said that social media video content generates 12 times more shares than text and image posts combined. So the benefits of using videos is clear – but what types of videos should you be putting out?🤔🤔

Skeleton Productions think the first type of content marketing video that brands should be using is brand films. This is a type of content marketing video which is produced to attract the customer’s attention. These types of video aren’t explicitly trying to sell the brand’s products or services, they are just there to entertain and engage potential clients, and therefore to promote the brand in a more subconscious manner.

Another great type of content marketing video which every brand should be using in their strategy is the product tutorial, according to the Content Marketing Institute. These are great for showing customers exactly how your products can be used in real-life scenarios, meaning that your audience are able to envisage themselves using the product. This is an excellent marketing tool as people are encouraged to purchase things which they can imagine coming in handy in real life. Make sure your tutorials are detailed and entertaining, and don’t make them too complex or you risk losing the viewer’s interest.🛍🛍

Read our simple content marketing guide here.

In a HubSpot blog post, the post author, Lindsay Kolowich Cox, names cute and funny video ads as being another highly effective content marketing tool which brands should be using in their marketing strategies. Android’s “Friends Furever” campaign was the most-shared ad of 2015, according to this article by David Waterhouse for video-tech company Unruly. Why was it the most shared ad? Because it combined cute with entertaining, which keeps audiences engaged and encourages them to share it with others. Who doesn’t love to watch clips of unlikely animal best friends?

So you’ve probably realised by now that the best types of video content marketing will successfully engage and entertain the reader. You essentially want to make sure your brand is creating video content that people will remember, and that they’ll want to share with others. You also want to make sure you keep your content as relevant as possible – the occasional cute video ad is great, but make sure to somehow link it back to your brand, or it doesn’t make sense to share it.

Another key thing to remember when creating content marketing videos is that you will need to make sure your content is of a high visual quality and that it is developed with good software, or it won’t have the desired effect on your audience. Very few people want to watch a pixelated video with poor image quality! Investing in video marketing is absolutely worth your while, as the statistics show, so pay the price now and you’re likely to see some positive return from it if you do it right!

Read about how content marketing can help you build your brand identity here.

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About the author

Lola is a copywriter and journalist trainee who has written on topics ranging from travel to marketing. She recently graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Hispanic Studies, and is going on to study a Masters in International Journalism. Lola speaks 4 languages and has lived in 4 countries. Her personal travel and lifestyle blog has over 6,000 all-time views.

Find Lola on LinkedIn here.

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