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Writer's pictureRafael Dos Santos

4 Success Tips From Small Businesses That Are Doing Things Right

When looking for guidance for your small business sometimes the most valuable advice comes from fellow entrepreneurs, and not a top CEO of a large company. Behind every business is a person, and every person has their own story – with insights and advice to share. Whether it is about how to use social media, marketing, or just on how to get through the early days of your start-up. Learning and taking advice is the only way you will succeed with your business. According to the CEO of Infusionsoft, “cash flow and business experience does matter. But the most important aspect of your business starts in your head with your success, mindset, attitude and positive thinking.” This is what will get you through the hard times, and in the early days everything will be struggle a for survival. Here are a few tips directly from small business owners, about what helped them succeed.

Learn from and connect with other business

It is important to know your competition and really get familiar with their business. According to a small business owner in Florida, she believes it is good to introduce yourself to your competition and develop a respectable relationship with them. According to her it is all about give and take, there is enough customers to go around and having a good relationship with them means it will be easier to ask for advice or help from them. – Kay’s Designer Consignment

Marketing on Facebook

There is a saying that goes ‘if you build it, they will come!’ But often times people build these wonderful small businesses, but know one comes to them. When there is no real budget or strategy to promote your business, it can be a struggle to get foot traffic through the door. According to Manual, a small business owner from Chicago, as soon as he started building Facebook campaigns and promoting posts he saw immediate results. He suggests using creating a Facebook page, and using their marketing tools to help grow small businesses. It worked for him, and now he is an advocate for using Facebook to grow his business. – Razpachos

Social Media – Be where your customers are

It is important to know where your customers like to hang out online. This doesn’t mean you have to be on every social media site, but it is important to know and try and reach out to them there. Another important aspect to social media, that may be useful for small business owners, is using it for market research. You can see what your customers and competitors are doing and they don’t even know your watching them. Especially on Twitter, you can look at the trends and setbacks companies are having with their customers. You can use that as an example so you don’t make the same mistakes.

Prioritise quality over quantity

In regards to your business posts on social media it important to plan your activity. A small business owner from Tennessee says it is not a good practice to take a bunch of pictures one day and post them all at once. One thought out well branded post a day works better than posting 10 pictures at once without a strategy. Having a well planned social media strategy is important in order to reach as many potential customers as possible. Keeping activity on brand and posts scheduled will make your business look more professional and clean. – Walton’s Antique Jewellery

Whether you are are start-up or have had a business for years, advice from fellow business owners can be the most valuable thing to an entrepreneur. Hearing what other businesses have to say can inspire you to grow and change for the better. As a business owner you can never stop learning, and this will eventually help you succeed.   

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